1. The Auto-Spike System can be deployed:

A. Any time the officer sees a need to quickly end a high-speed pursuit

B. Only if the officer is trained in the proper deployment of the use of the unit

C. When the deploying officer can identify a safe deployment area

D. All of the above

2. The Auto-Spike System is a unit that penetrates tires causing a gradual decrease in the speed of the suspect vehicle.

A. True

B. False

3. The Auto-Spike System is a unit so versatile that it may be used over and over again with simple Spike Replacement.

A. True

B. False

4. The Auto-Spike System may be used to safely stop any type of vehicle involved in a high-speed pursuit.

A. True

B. False

5. Which of the following offer protection to the deploying officer?

A. Bridge abutments, guardrails

B. Trees

C. The Deploying Officer’s patrol unit

D. A and B only

E. All of the above

6. Certain roadway conditions, such as steep embankments, curves, hills, and highly populated areas should be avoided as deployment sites.

A. True

B. False

7. Which of the following is important information to the Deploying Officer?

A. Other law enforcement agencies involved in the pursuit

B. Suspect vehicles description, weapon involvement, and other risks

C. Location, direction and speed of the pursuit

D. All of the above.

8. Curbside deployment:

A. Requires that the deploying officer pull the unit across the lane of traffic using an attached rope

B. Is used when time is limited or traffic is heavy

C. Is the least effective way to deploy the unit

D. Is used when the deploying officer has no time to identify an escape route

9. Once the Auto-Spike System has been hit:

A. It becomes inoperable and must be disposed of

B. It may be left in the roadway, as all the spikes are destroyed

C. It must be immediately removed from the roadway to avoid damaging other vehicles

D. None of the above

10. Pull deployment:

A. Requires that the deploying officer pull the unit across the lane of traffic using an attached rope

B. Is used when time is limited or traffic is heavy

C. Is the least effective way to deploy the unit

D. Is used when the deploying officer does not have time to identify an escape route

11. How far off the roadway should the deploying officer be:

A. As far as he/she has time to get

B. The maximum length of the rope

C. Where he determines he is best positioned behind hard cover.

D. None of the above

12. If the deploying officer does not have time to retrieve the unit from the roadway then the lead pursuit vehicle should:

A. Swerve to avoid hitting the unit

B. Continue driving over the unit

C. Come to an abrupt stop