Safety and effectiveness by Spike Devil.

The safe use of Spikes, requires multiple solutions. Your first goal should be for a covert deployment, one that does not provoke a reaction from the target vehicle which can be dangerous to all of us. The second goal, is a system which is tough and will not come apart and require officers to enter the roadway to retrive the Spike system.

Covert, Concealment, Cover

Our goal is to not provoke a reaction from the driver of the Target vehicle. Autospike is designed to slide across the surface of the road, by being pulled towards you or slid away from you which we call a curbside deployment.

The Autospike accordion frame uses black and brown sections to break up its apperance on a highway or offroad. Autospike has the safety advantage of elimination of what we call POST Deployment Adjustments. (PDA) Auto Spike is also wider than other systems and you ar more likely to spike your target.

Superior Winder, Cord-Reel and Deployment Sleeve

A good portion of the incidents with spikes have been due to a Cord-Reel and or a sleeve that was defective. In such cases officers entered the roadway to recover spikes and were fatally struck. Auto-Spike does not use sleeves, but has a much tougher frame, made of a durable elastometric nylon. Auto Spike and other accordiaon brands have a much better safety record because of their durable frames and heavy duty cords do not fail the officer.


Winders are very mis-understood, Spike Strips are their safest, when the cord lays on the ground and is not handled by the officer. A cord elevated subject to getting snagged by a car and dragged onto the roadway. In addition a cord elevavated is easy to spot by the driver of the target vehicle.

Spike Devil’s loop winder is a yo yo style winder, no doubt the fastest, safest, winder on the market. The beveled edge allows the cord to freely leave the winder, no matter how fast the officer moves. The winder can be tossed onto the ground and the winder will still despense cord.

We were asked by a departments to make a Cord-Reel that was indestructible and serviceable. We came out with the toughest one on the market and with the big mouth service port. When they saw it, they said it was like a Fisher-Price toy, you could not destroy it, and it was easy to use and service.