102A. What must be done prior to deployment to allow the officer to position the system across the road accurately ?
A. Count steps to determine roadway length.
B. Have a way to determine where the spikes are in the dark and far off the road.
C. Know the width of typical lanes and the width of your spike system.
D. Do not worry about the positioning of the spikes. Call ahead for another deployment.
102B. What complications can arise when attempting to deploy a system from a remote location during nightfall?
A. Seeing the curb, roadway, and lanes is difficult, especially from a distance.
B. You might not be able to see system and its location on the roadway.
C. A wider spike system is more forgiving at night and more effective.
D. Guess where the system is.
102C. How should the Auto-Spike be deployed along two standard lanes?
A. It depends on visibity, and if you can correctly target the vehicle.
B. If you cannot position spikes due to low visibility, center the spikes in the lane.
C. Just guess at it, your going to be accurate, darkness of night is not an issue.
102D. From where should the officer start counting steps while uncoiling the rope during the exercise?
A. With all slack pulled out of the cord.
B. Once positioned in the stance, with slack pulled from cord.
D. Any where you want to. It does not matter.
102E. Which action is the appropriate deployment procedure performed by the officer?
A. Take steps to deploy the system on the roadway.
B. Grab the cord and start pulling it with your hand, in a hand over hand sequence.
C. Do it anyway you want, it dont matter.
102F. Why do officers need to know the different road widths?
A. So they can better position spikes from a distance and in low light conditions.
B. So they can better target the vehicle they wish to spike.
C. Road widths are most often 10-feet wide and 12-feet wide on expressways.
D. It does not matter. Just look and guess.
102G. What is the main objective in teaching officers to control the system from a remote area during the exercise?
A. So they can stay far off the road and use concealment and or cover for protection.
B. So they can provide a cover deployment and use protective cover.
C. No objective It is a bad idea because you cannot see the spikes or traffic from a remote location.