Officer Safety-Blog

Tire deflaters in the designs used today are considered to be non-lethal technology. According to a recent study on tire deflation devices, the report was critical of the risks it placed not on the public but rather the officers that were deploying the devices. It is my opinion that the study is correct, and In the interest of public safety and officer safety I wish to address those issues in part by developing this blog.

The report made very few recommendations and I think its time someone did so. I think spike deployment is the safest place to be in a pursuit, if done correctly.

Today, the statistics are worse than ever! The catalyst for the problems are still here and very soon the consequences will play out again. Its time to define the safe practice of spike deployment and it starts with each one of us.

Welcome to Tire deflation, Safe use, Back on Track. Lets re-establish the credibility of this great tool for public safety. We want you to be a part of the new change, and help by placing safety first.