The SPIKE-DEVIL MULTI_LANE systems are much wider than the Moto-Spike Systems, they consist of additional sections to make for a longer frame, we upgraded the bag style to a carrier that is affixed to the Spike Frame for Storage, but when one handle opens up, it allows for deployment. We call it a Carrier because it allows for storage, but the design is an integral part of the deploy. The Multi-Lane systems can be ordered with a cord-reel or Loop Winder. The Multilane systems are available in Camo versions which break up the unit on a roadway, making it difficult to see by the target driver.
The Carrier is a bag with two handles, which when held together keeps the bag closed, if one side of a handle is released it opens up the bag, and with a correct motion can actually deploy the system.
Above left, we see the Multi-Lane system, stored in its carrier with both winders attached. The middle picture shows the system open with the velcro straps, open, we recomend the straps be folded back, as shown in the deployment picture. Notice the velcro straps are folded back and stick to the oppisite side, so as to not to interfere with the deployment of the system.
The MULTI-LANE systems works great with a secondary winder, so that two officers can move the system back and forth, from opposite sides on wider rodeways. We call this the C.H.P. option.

Deployed, we see the multiple sections, connected end to end so that when opened extends like a trellis across a traffic lane and designed so that when its tugged, it closes by collapsing and rolls into a super compact package. This eliminate the need for officers to enter roadway to retrieve spikes.
Model# 11230, 12 Strips, 10.6 Lbs 11.4Lbs.
Model # 10020, 9 Strips, 11.6Lbs. 12.4Lbs.

Model #M10413LP (Loop Winder) and Model #M10413CR (Cord Reel) has ( 8 spikes x 12 sections for 96 spikes total normal size) Model # M10415LP (loop Winder) or #M100415CR (Cord Reel), has ( 8 spikes x 15 for 120 spikes total for extended 20.1 foot, Multi-lane system).
shall have a crank to retrive cord and a slot to lock the handle in place.
The cord Reel shall have a cord (#3-3/32) of not less than 80 feet in length. The Cord is wound up on a reel.
Each system shall include a storage device, The Spike Devil Deployment carrier is a nylon bag, made of cordura type material.
The Deployment carrier shal have two handle straps for transport and deployment.
The Deployment Carrier shall have attachment for the system and the Cord reel winder.