101A. How should the user position himself/herself when in the ready position?

A. It does not matter

B. Body facing traffic,

C. Over your shoulder can see the traffic to your back,

D. To your right or left you can see the Spikes, the other way you can see your escape route.

101B. What point is it recommended to pause?

A. Pause when the system is properly position on the roadway.

B. When the car is moving over the system.

C. Not recomended.

101C. Why is it suggested to use the arm extended to pull the system out of the way during recovery?

A. Quick tug of the arm retrieves the system.

B. If arm is folded or you have slack in the line, when you try to tug the system it will not retrive from roadway.

C. Running to pull up the slack is a slower option to retrive Spikes.

D. don’t worry, just grab the cord with hand and pull it.

101D. What do you recommend to do in terms of inspecting the system after it has been used and reloaded?

A. Inspect the holes, deploy the system, making sure spikes stay in the frame.

B. Make sure the frame opens and shuts, that none of the strips are broken or screw mounts are lose.

C. Make sure the winder works, and inspect cord for any damage.

D. Repalce the system, its not designed for multiple uses.