59A. Why do officers deploy from the curb?

A. If you pre-deploy, you might have to cross traffic to target vehicle.

B. No place to place pre-deploy the spikes and pull then into place.

C. Protective cover is available on the curbside.

59B. What are the special features of the Auto-Spike Trainer that are mentioned to carry out the practice safely?

A. The trainers do not have spikes in them, and allow for realistic training without damage to the tires or system.

B. The trainers have rubber Spikes that simulate the system feel and look.

D. No time to pre-deploy the spikes.

C. The trainer units do not allow you to deploy normal because they are much lighter.

59C. In what situations can stance be used to seek cover and what is its usefulness?

A. Stance keeps you low and position to better see traffic and behind you, where you are going to seek cover.

B. Stance positions you so you are not walking backwards, but rotateing your hips to turn your body, to move back but by walking forward.

C. Stance is a safety position, where you can move quickly, by rotating your body and changing positions of movement.