103A. How is the Auto-spike system designed to facilitate sliding on the road surface?

A. The according frame system is designed to slide on a road surface and open up the frame in an extended position.

B. The bottom side of the base part of each section, is slick and helps the system slide open.

C. Towards the post portions of the Strip and base is a limit stop to prevent the system from over extending, and possibly falling on its side, like lesser designs.

D. The center post has a lock, that as the system opens up, and is fully extended, the system can not be closed, untill the system is retrived and one end of the system encounters resistance to disactivate the lock.

E. Nothing good luck, the system might tangle, hit a pot hole, or crack on the road and fail.

103B. Where can I find more videos on the deployment of the Auto-spike?

A. YouTube.

B. Spike Devil website.

C. None avilable.

103C. What is the officer expected to do once he/she has deployed the system during practice?

A. Nothing, just pull the system from in front of the vehicles.

B. retreat, as Seaking a position behind cover.

C. Make sure it is in the correct lane by adjusting it.

D. Go to an area of imaginery cover, then adjust the system.