1A. How does the Spike Devil Auto-Spike Tire Deflation system work?

A. The accordion slides/pulls into traffic and presents hollow spikes in the path of the target vehicle.

B. Hollow spikes enter the tire of the target vehicle for a slow deflation.

C. The accordion frame has spikes that tear a slice into the tire.

1B. What is the function of the accordion frame?

A. The accordion frame is designed to allow for compact storage to a quick organized deployment of the spikes.

B. The frame locks to keep the system opened in its fully extended configuration on the roadway.

C. The frame supports the spike while the frame might be on dirt or soft surfaces.

D. You have to pull the frame open, and maybe un tangle it.

1C. What are the advantages of Spike Devil’s Auto-Spike Tire Deflation system compared to other tire deflation devices?

A. Auto-Spike works on all surfaces including off road applications.

B. Auto-Spike can be reloaded with spikes and used multiple times.

C. Auto-Spike slides in a covert fashion and is hard to see by the driver of the target vehicle.

D. Auto-Spike is tough and designed not to come a part on the roadway, making it safer than other systems.

E. Spikes are all the same.

1D. What is the main material of the Auto-Spike frame and how does it stand out in terms of durability and re usability?

A. Nylon .

B. Plastic.

C. Rubber.

D. Metal.

1E. What is unique about the Auto-Spike design that makes it the world’s smallest Spike system?

A. The frame folds up, then rolls into a small diameter.

B. The Strips are small and long.

C. The Auto-Spike is small but covers a wide portion of the roadway when extended.

D. The Auto-spike is small but does not cover much roadway.

1F) Don Kilgrow (retired Utah Highway Patrol) has been credited as being the Co-inventor of the modern day Spike System

A. True, according to wikipedia, credited by Dupont

1G) Kilgrows spike system had stopped how many pursuits by 1997?

A. It was announced that his system had stopped 15K pursuits with a perfect safety record.

B. It was rarely used.

1H. Trooper Ken Grieves (Retired Indiana State Police) patented a new Tire Deflation Device, which was multisided, what was its main feature? 

A. Easy to deploy.

B. Deployed without a cord, and could be tossed from the window.

C. Was big and slow to deploy.

1I. Did Spike Strips have a perfect track record?

A. No, With the new design came new tactics, where the devices were deployed without a cord. Very soon the safety of tire deflation devices were questioned and changes were necessary after serious incidents.

B. Spikes have a perfect Safety record.

1J. Does Spike Devil provide assistance in research, planning and Training?

A. Yes, we provide a web sites for training and on all of them

B. In the sections labeled “Research and Planning” we give the history of how Spike-Strips became very popular to later develop a questionable reputation, and how to train around the issues.

1K. The selection of Spikes can be confusing, does Spike Devil provide support to help understand spikes and help make a better educated choice for a safe and effective Spike experiance?

A. Yes, we explain the Tactics, features of the product, for superior use.

B. No, your on your own.

1L. Does Spike Devil provide a training program for customers?

A. Training for our Spike Belt, can be found on this site with the tab labeled “Training overview” It has a classroom portion with two hands on options for training. Training is supported with two manuals, and our YouTube channel.

B. No you should develop your own program.

C. We provide a great program, but your department should add a policy based on State laws, and other factors that might apply to your use of Spikes.