55A. What ultimately determines the deployment officers safety, regardless of brand, technology, or any other factor?

A. Your deployment location defines your safety and your deployment options. Planning the use of your system, is required: the most advance product technology does not provide a margin of safety.

B. Technology can keep you safe, regardless of the situation.

C. You need a combination of Location, Durable product, training and safe use.

55B. What is the diferance between Concealment and cover.

A.Concealment hides you from traffic, yet does not provide a hard cover.

B. Cover is something hard, planted into the ground, designed to take the force of a vehicle and stop it or redirect its force.

C. Sometimes an object gives you concealment and cover, sometimes not.

D. Not a big differance.

55C. What type of cover is best for Spike Deployment?

A. Hard cover that supports a bridge, and is planted into the ground.

B. Hard cover that is combined with a river, or a hill, designed not to allow a car to continue

C. An area, where physics would not allow a car to continue, like inside a curve, or at the end of a bridge.

D. Good cover does not exist.

E. Cover is everywhere, when in your in route you pass many locations, pick one out.

55D. list four areas you think might be good locations for a planned deployment location.





55E. What pursuits do you rememeber, and what are some good locations for deployment?





55F. Can mapping software help you locate locations, and how would you best use it?

A. They help you see from the air, good locations and see distance from others spots.

B. You need to check location, phsically to verify its a good spot.

C. Mapping software needs to have a satellite view to see characteristics of the area.

D. Some police agancies, have the deploment sites in patrol car mapping software.