20A. What type of Spikes store more compact yet open up much wider on the roadway?
A. Accordion Spikes for their stored size, occupy a wider portion of the roadway than multi-sided Spikes.
B. Spike Devil is super small compared to all other Spikes and can fit the bags of a Motorcycle.
C. Spikes come in many sizes shapes and forms and none of them are smaller.

20B. What type of Spikes work on a soft non road surface?
A. Accordion type systems have a strip with Spikes and a base bellow that to support them on a wider varity of road surfaces.
B. Accordion systems have a spike hole (boss) that has a washer, and a hard bottom to support the Spikes.
C. All Spikes work on most surfaces.

20C. What is the principle reason Multi-Sided Spikes became popular?
A. They are goof proof, because they fall on one of multiple sides.
B. Multi-sided Spikes have an enclosure and claim to dump less debris on the roadway.
C. Multi-sided Spikes claim to be safer to handle by the officer.
D. They are very inexpensive.

20D. What is the function of the accordion frame?
A. When deployed the Frame slides open, and momentum smoothly extends the system across the roadway in an extended fashion.
B. When pulled from traffic the frame hits the curb, dirt, grass, etc.. and it folds itself and is designed not to remain on the roadway and be a hazzard to spike cars.
C. When hit the frame is durable and designed to be simply reloaded with Spikes for later use.
D. When hit the frame is designed to stay in tact and not fall apart in traffic.
E. They have no special function.

20E. What features does Spike Belt have over other multisided systems, that make it better in deployment?.
A. Spike Belt has 360 degree handles, making it easier to grab.
B. Spike Belt sleeve has an anti-tangle design so it does not tangle up on deployment.
C. Spike belt cord can be grabbed, allowing it to open up and fall in an extended fashion.
D. Spike Belt when pulled from traffic has smooth edges and designed to float over the curb, grass, etc.. much better so that it does not stay in traffic and become a traffic hazzard, or place the officer at risk by entering traffic to pull the system.

20F. What happens when multisided Spike systems land crooked?
A. The system must be opened up by the officer pulling on the cord to open up and extend the system.
B. Three sided systems have spikes at an angle and if not perpendicular to the tire point away from the tire and may not work.
C. The officer must pull the system, after its deployed, this is called a post deployment adjustment.
D. The officer risks not spikeing the target, and might place himself at risk, by staying close to the target

20G. What happens if a Spike belt lands crooked on the roadway?
A. The spikes point straight up and work regardless of the approach angle of the car.
B. Nothing all spikes work if they are hit by tires, upside down, crooked, etc.

20H. What Benefits does Spike Belt have over traditional Multi-sided systems on deployment?
A. You can eliminate the need to re-adjust the system, by holding onto the cord, this allows the system to open up and fall on the roadway in an extended fashion.
B. You grab the handles from anyside, speeding up the deployment process, and eliminating any fumbling around to organize the Spikes.
C. Spike Belt has eliminated many parts, that come loose in traffic and the spiked tires, we also hold the spike tight in place with our foam insert, and our enclosure holds a tight grip on any spike hanging out of the strip.

20I. What benefits does Spike belt have over an accordion type system that other multisided systems do not?
A. It is much better at hold debris and spikes in place as to not dump them on the roadway.
B. Accordion systems require you push spikes back into place as they can work loose.
C. Spike